Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 10 #23 The end

I'm glad it is over. It was hard to find time some weeks and I didn't want to get behind since it can be so hard to catch up. The last 3 weeks were tough because I was tired of it and it was mostly read stuff and then talk about it in your blog.

The week that was probably the most fun was also the most challenging--Flickr. I don't know if I'll use any of it again but at least I do know about some new stuff if I hear people talking about it. I think

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Week 9 #22 Downloadable Media

I took at look at our Overdrive collection. I thought it was interesting that in music we had Rainforest, Ocean Waves and Aromatherapy eMusic. I had not taken the time to look at the eVideo collection and was surprised to find IMAX films. I don't know that I'd want to watch a whole movie on my computer screen.

Looked at Librivox and since it is items in the public domain it didn't have the popular titles that we have in Overdrive. I would think it could be very helpful to students with Internet access who don't want to go to a library to find the book they need.

Week 9 #21 Podcasts

I have listened to a few podcasts in the past. I used to find The Bookcast which had several interviews with authors. This is really not something I enjoy. I don't like audiobooks or talk radio and so podcasts have no appeal to me. I find it boring to just listen to just doesn't engage me.

I did subscribe to the Bookcast feed in my Bloglines account.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 9 #20 YouTube and video sharing

I thought it was pretty interesting that I could find clips of musical performances from many many years the 70s before there were video recorders and music videos. Some comedian performances are pretty good too. A lot of the home made stuff isn't the best quality but its a good place for people to share.