Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 4 # 8 RSS

I created an account in Bloglines which was pretty easy to do. I looked through the feeds they offer but only found a couple I was interested in. I then subscribed to the iHCPL feed. Since I need to subscribe to at least 10 feeds for this exercise I went to sites that I visit regularly. I was surprised that most of them do not offer a feed so it took quite a while to reach my 10 feed minimum. I also subscribed to a couple of the iHCPL blogs. Since I don't spend a lot of time looking at any of these sites I don't think this will be something I use after I've completed iHCPL. I don't have time to look at all of this stuff. I know it says it will save you time but that's only if you spend time looking at a bunch of sites to begin with. I don't check any site on a regular basis. I just look at them when I need to for a specific reason.

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